Lizbeth Torres
Lizbeth’s research interests center on Afro-Diasporic religions, primarily focusing on Palo Mayombe. She is particularly interested in muerto possession within Palo and its role in spiritual practice. Her work also explores Santa Muerte and these belief systems’ cultural and spiritual significance. She examines how these traditions intersect in Latin America, particularly in Mexico, where elements of Palo Mayombe and Afro-Cuban spiritual practices have influenced local forms of devotion to Santa Muerte. By analyzing their shared ritual frameworks, materiality, and how practitioners navigate their spiritual landscapes, she seeks to understand how these traditions shape and transform each other in contemporary religious practice.
- SOC 128: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (TA, Fall 2024)
- RGST 81/HIST 46MI: Modern Iran and Global Politics (TA, Winter 2025)
- SOC 108ST: Special Topics in Methods (TA, Spring 2025)