Abraham Hawley Suárez
Abraham is a Ph.D. student in the UCSB Department of Religious Studies. He earned a B.A. with Honors in Communication Sciences from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), an M.A. in Sociology from El Colegio de México, and an M.A. in Religious Studies from UCSB.
His research aims to examine the discursive power of secularism (laicidad) in Mexico by looking at how interreligious organizations live and imagine religion in the public sphere. Shifting the focus from objectivist and normative conceptualizations, Abraham focuses on how these groups inhabit, experience, and potentially redefine religion and the secular as governance categories in their projects and daily activities.
Abraham is committed to education and divulgation efforts about religious and political issues. For instance, he taught courses on the Mexican Political System, and Public Opinion and Propaganda at the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences. He has also founded and is still actively involved in the interdisciplinary group of early-career researchers of religion in Latin America, Seminario de Intersecciones de lo Religioso (SEMIR). As a Fulbright Fellow, he always seeks to establish a fruitful dialogue between Mexican and US Religious Studies networks.
Recent publications
Hawley, A. (2023). ¿Los mexicanos quieren un Estado laico? Tipología de attitudes hacia las políticas del secularismo en cuatro grupos de autoadscripción religiosa. Acta Sociológica, (92).
Vilchis, D.; Paz, E. & Hawley, A. (2023). La secularización como clave analítica para comprender algunas discusiones sobre diversidad sexual. In M. Molina & R. Velvet (Eds.) El principio de laicidad como base para las discusiones sobre género y sexualidad. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; IIJ.
Blancarte, R., & Hawley, A. (2022). Les Protestants Évangéliques Et La Laïcité au Mexique. In D. Koussens, G. Bucumi & B. Basdevant (Eds.), Le paradoxe évangélique. Sécularisation et laïcisation face aux protestantismes évangéliques. Quebec: Université Laval.
Hawley, A. (2022). Repensar y proteger la laicidad en la 4T: religiones y comunicación política en el gobierno de AMLO). In D. Lemus (Ed.), Comunicación Política en el Gobierno de AMLO. Mañaneras, disputas y actores en el espacio público en la 4T. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.