Elizabeth Pérez
The Gut: A Black Atlantic Alimentary Tract, Cambridge University Press, 2022
WINNER – 2024 Leonard Norman Primiano Book Prize on Vernacular Catholicism, awarded by the American Folklore Society
Religion in the Kitchen: Cooking, Talking, & the Making of Black Atlantic Traditions, New York University Press, 2016
WINNER – 2017 Clifford Geertz Prize in the Anthropology of Religion, awarded by the Society for the Anthropology of Religion at the 2017 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
WINNER – 2018 Women’s Spirituality Book Award, presented by the California Institute of Integral Studies to honor 100 of the best new books in the genre of Women’s Spirituality
HONORABLE MENTION – 2019 Barbara T. Christian Literary Award, given by the Caribbean Studies Association
FINALIST – 2017 Albert J. Raboteau Prize for the Best Book in Africana Religions, presented by the Journal of Africana Religions
& Book Chapters & Poetry
“‘Unique, Divine, Unrepeatable’: S. F. Makalani-MaHee and the Black Trans Christian Archive,” QTR: A Journal of Trans and Queer Studies in Religion 1, no. 2 (2024): 217–243.
- “Sorry Cites: The(Necro)-Politics of Citation in the Anthropology of Religion,” Studies in Religion 53, no. 2 (2024): 185–206.
- “Remittances,” Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 21, no. 1 (2022): 155–57.
- “‘I Got Voodoo, I Got Hoodoo’: Ethnography and Its Objects in Disney’s The Princess and the Frog,” Material Religion (2021) [proofs].
- “Curator’s Note,” “Lottery,” “Visitation from the Once and Future Pride of Black Arkadelphia,” “Santeros,” and “Chicago Piropo,” Chicana/Latina Studies 20, no. 1 (2020): 160–69.
- “‘You Were Gonna Leave Them Out?’: Locating Black Women in a Transfeminist Anthropology of Religion,” Journal of Feminist Anthropology 2, no. 1 (2020): 94–111.
- “One Good Reason,” American Religion 1, no. 1 (2019): 149–50.
- “Toward an Inventory of Influence: Biography and Belonging in Sustained Dialogue with Black Atlantic Religion,” Journal of Africana Religions 6, no. 1 (2018): 104-13.
- “Bark,” “Bárbara,” “Dolor,” “For the Detainee’s Fiancée,” “The Diviner’s Verse,” and “On the Godson’s Conception” (in a collection entitled Tough Beef & Maiden Baobab) for The Immanent Frame: Secularism, Religion, & the Public Sphere as part of its tenth anniversary project, “Is This All There Is?” January 29, 2018.
- “The Ontology of Twerk: From ‘Sexy’ Black Movement Style to Afro-Diasporic Sacred Dance,” for African and Black Diaspora 9, no. 1 (2016): 16-31, special issue: “Sounds of Freedom Across the Black Atlantic.”
- “Girlhood: In Cantos,” WSQ (Women’s Studies Quarterly) 43, no. 3 & 4 (2015): 137–40, special issue on the 1970s.
- “Working Roots and Conjuring Traditions: Relocating ‘Cults and Sects’ in African American Religious History” in Esotericism, Gnosticism, and Mysticism in African American Religious Experience, edited by Stephen C. Finley and Margarita Guillory, Brill, 2014.
- “Portable Portals: Transnational Rituals for the Head Across Globalizing Orisha Traditions,” Nova Religio 16, no. 4 (2013): 35-62, special issue: “Religion and the Transnational Imagination.”
- “Nobody’s Mammy: Yemayá as Fierce Foremother in Afro-Cuban Religions,” in Yemoja: Gender, Sexuality, and Creativity in the Latina/o and Afro-Atlantic Diasporas, 1-20, edited by Solimar Otero and Toyin Falola, SUNY Press, October 2013.
- “Willful Spirits and Weakened Flesh: Historicizing the Initiation Narrative in Afro-Cuban Religions,” Journal of Africana Religions 1, no. 2 (2013): 151-93.
- “Staging Transformation: Spiritist Liturgies as Theatres of Conversion in Afro-Cuban Religious Practice,” Culture and Religion 13, no. 3 (2012): 372-400.
- “Cooking for the Gods: Sensuous Ethnography, Sensory Knowledge, and the Kitchen in Lucumí Tradition,” Religion 41, no. 4 (2011): 665-83.
- “Spiritist Mediumship as Historical Mediation: African-American Pasts, Black Ancestral Presence, and Afro-Cuban Religions,” Journal of Religion in Africa 41, no. 4 (2011): 330-65.
- “The Virgin in the Mirror: Reading Images of a Black Madonna Through the Lens of Afro- Cuban Women’s Experiences,” Journal of African-American History 95, no. 2 (2010): 202-28, special issue: “Explorations within the African Diaspora.”
- “Found in Translation,” in Telling Tongues: A Latino/a Anthology on Language Experience, edited by Louis Mendoza and Toni Nelson-Herrera (National City: Calaca Press, 2007), 45.
- “Writing My Will” and “The Assumption” in El Coro: A Chorus of Latino and Latina Poetry, edited by Martín Espada, and winner of a Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1997), 110–13.
- “Forfeitures,” “Six Eulogies for a Cuban Exile,” and “Writing My Will,” Bilingual Review/La Revista Bilingüe 21, no. 1 (January-April): 76–81.