Richard W. Medina

Lecturer of Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Ph.D., Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2022)
Hebrew Language, Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, Jewish Studies
HSSB 3074
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Richard W. Medina received master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, where he pursued the study of Hebrew Bible and Hebrew language. The peer-reviewed articles he has published have focused on Wisdom Literature, particularly ritual of mourning and life-and-death representations, as well as historical linguistics dealing with the semantic and syntactic changes of certain features from Classical Biblical Hebrew to Late Biblical Hebrew to the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls. His doctoral dissertation written in Hebrew סדר המילים במשפט הפועלי בלשון העברית של מגילות מדבר יהודה (“Word Order in Qumran Hebrew Verbal Clauses”) examined the word order systems (verb-initial order and verb-second order) found in the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls from a synchronic and diachronic perspective.


“The Adverbs for ‘Together’ in the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” Lešonenu 82 (2019): 23–42 (in Hebrew).

“The Syntax of Dependent Clauses in the War Scroll (1QMilḥamah) in Comparison with Other Hebrew Corpora,” Orientalia 82.3 (2013): 272-307.

“Life and Death Viewed as Physical and Lived Spaces: Some Preliminary Thoughts from Proverbs,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 122 (2010): 119-211.

“Job’s Entrée into a Ritual of Mourning as Seen in the Opening Prose of the Book of Job,” Die Welt des Orients 38 (2008): 194-210.